
People associate a lot of different things to a Las Vegas vacation. Some people may picture a booze and gambling-filled party, while some may imagine a nice vacation away from home with the kids when they think about a trip to Sin City. In the late 60s and early 70s, the Las Vegas vacation industry really flourished. This is largely due to the efforts to reinvent the image of Las Vegas into a playground for adults.

The Las Vegas of that period was full of glitzy casinos, extravagant shows, and bars that were open night and day. You could catch a show, gamble all night, throw back a whiskey sour with breakfast at 8am and go to sleep for a few hours before doing it all over again in a Las Vegas vacation during those years.

The nature of a Las Vegas vacation became something completely different in the early 90s. Las Vegas casinos began to attract families who were traveling together to compete with the introduction of attractions like New York New York's roller coaster and MGM Grand's child-friendly environment.

Casino owners realized they could attract the all-night gamblers and high rollers while catering to a completely new crowd, the families, who brought their own money to play in the Las Vegas sands. As a result, kid-friendly shows, restaurants, and attractions began to pop up. Many casinos also offered child play areas so mom and dad could still go off to drink and gamble.

The present Las Vegas vacation represents an odd hybrid between the adult and child's playground. Visitors can now observe roller coasters rumble over casino floors where slot machines ping and whiz and roulette wheels clatter. These days, advertisements for escort agencies litter the sidewalks and ads for topless shows are displayed on taxi cabs next to ads for Sponge Bob Square Pants because of the legalization of prostitution in Vegas.

The adult-playground feeling still persists, although the strip has reinvented its image as a family-friendly location. There are still more high-end restaurants and nightclubs than just about any other small area in the U.S., and money and champagne still flow freely in this city.

The Las Vegas environment is a little tougher for teenagers, although adults and young children alike can enjoy a Las Vegas vacation. The majority of the adult-orientated attractions are off-limits to teenagers because those under 21 can't drink, nor gamble in Las Vegas. Vacationing in Vegas may entice older teens to try out more adult forms of entertainment so you should find another vacation destination if you're a family with a few teenagers.

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